Imitec Ltd is a University of Bristol spin-out Company formed in 2014. It is headed by the co-inventors of its award-winning drone-based radiation mapping technology; CEO Professor Tom Scott, Director of the University of Bristol’s Interface Analysis Centre (IAC), and Director of the South West Nuclear Hub and CTO Dr Oliver Payton who is a recipient of the Royal Academy of Engineering's Princess Royal Silver Medal
Redefining the Way
We Map Radiation
Radiation; you can’t see, smell or feel it but it can kill you. Understanding radiation and its risks and benefits can help us, as individuals and as a society, to make informed decisions about the use of radiation and actions to protect ourselves from possible harm.
ImiTec Limited specialises in the development and manufacture of novel methods for mapping radiation and can thus make a significant contribution to gaining a better understanding of radiation in the environment
ImiTec’s core capability is its patented Remote Isotopic Analysis System (RIAS) a radiation monitoring system that detects, characterises and maps radiation.

Our Journey So Far